
Kyusho (Vital Point) Videos

This page provides links to embedded media files from external web-sites.  (Please note that Optimal Martial Arts & Self Defence can take no responsibility for the content of these sites.)

You cannot learn techniques from books and videos alone and these media files are not provided as instructional videos.  The performance of the techniques may differ from the ways that you are shown by your Optimal Martial Arts instructor.  These videos are provided merely as a prompt for students to help them associate the name or type of the technique with the general movement.

You must not practice these techniques without the guidance and supervision of your Optimal Martial Arts instructor.

Rick Clark

Vital Points 3D

To report any broken links or problems with linked media content, please send an email to

(All media files are either the property of Optimal Martial Arts & Self Defence, or are publicly hosted and assumed to be in the public domain with the permission of the copyright owner.)